5 Mindset Shifts That Are Life Changing

In this energetic universe, our personal energy is everything. As my favorite quote from Star Wars says, “Your focus determines your reality.” -Qui Gon Jinn, Phantom Menace.

Which can often be easier said than done. Our human lives and human brains are very complicated, so it’s only natural for us to feel all the ups and downs of our emotions and the human experience in general.

However, for me personally, there’s been 5 mindset shifts I’ve been able to make that have made a huge difference in how I go through life. They’ve really kept me feeling empowered, on track, and overall have helped me manifest some amazing things (like winning Wheel of Fortune and receiving my dream love story that led to a Parisian engagement!)

Keep these ideas in mind have helped me get through any challenge and I know they’ll help you too!

1. Rejection is Redirection

One of the biggest shifts for me personally happened when I just deeply accepted that rejection was always protection and redirection to something so much better. Instead of letting myself feel that rejection meant there was something wrong with me, I chose to see it as the Universe had something better for me. Think of it this way, in love, sometimes we really want it to be this one person - but it just doesn’t work out. But then, because it didn’t work out, you were single and available to meet the one person who was perfect for you in every way possible! In jobs, you may get turned down from interviews and sure it hurts, but maybe it didn’t happen because that place would’ve made you miserable and treated you unfairly. And by not getting that job, you were available to interview and receive one you loved. Or maybe getting passed over for that promotion was your “enough is enough” moment that led you to create your own job and be your own boss! Understand that every closed door is to keep you from going into rooms that aren’t for your highest good. The right doors will always open for you, while the wrong doors will always remain closed. What’s meant for you will never ever pass you. So if you’re getting turned down, instead of taking it so personally, choose to celebrate. Feel gratitude that it represents the Universe is protecting you and has something so much better waiting for you. When rejection happens, you don’t have to change your plan, you just have to realize there’s a better way to receive it and that better way will come to you in divine timing.Which brings us to the next life changing mindset shift -

2. Divine Timing

Everything in the Universe will happen exactly when it’s meant to, no sooner, no later. I often explain this in terms of baking a cake. If you take it out of the oven too soon, it’s going to be a sloppy mess. As humans, we’re impatient and we want things now. But the Universe has its own timeline. The Universe is endlessly patient. It plays a chess match, knowing when to make the right moves in order for you to win. The more you surrender and accept in the Universe’s timeline rather than the your own, the easier life gets. Seriously, stop fighting the timing. Worrying doesn’t make things happen any sooner, so you might as well enjoy the journey and deeply know there’s a reason for everything. You may want to meet your soulmate right now - but maybe they’re dating someone else or they haven’t moved to your city yet or maybe they’re emotionally not in a good place for the relationship. Keep in mind, just because it’s not happening now doesn’t mean it never will. There’s always a reason and that reason is purely timing!

3. How people treat you is a reflection of their own triggers and actually has nothing to do with you.

This one was massive for me. I’ve encountered so many people in my own life, co-workers or former friends, who have been mean to me for literally zero reason. Sometimes it’d make me feel bad and wonder what I did wrong or what was unlikeable about me, but eventually, I realized it’s because something about me, about my positivity or hopefulness (or even in some cases, me having a romantic relationship, me being a certain weight they desired to be, or me getting promoted while they didn’t) triggered these people to no end. Instead of them recognizing that the key to improving their life lied in their own hands, they chose to blame others (such as myself) and be mean because those others (or myself) represented what they didn’t have. Most times others are mean or jerks because their parents were rude to them and their parents were horrible to them and so on. Generational trauma is such a huge factor in people’s behavior. Either way, whether it’s a stranger or someone you know, happy people aren’t mean. If someone is being rude to you, it’s because there’s something unhealed within them. All you can do is not let them trigger you and not let their behavior define anything about you. Understand it’s all within them, so say a prayer for them, send them light, and move on. They’re not worth draining your energy.

4. Just the same as recognizing other people are operating from their own triggers, it’s so key to recognize your own triggers and work through them!

We’re human, even if we’re on our kind “love and light” spiritual path, we’re not perfect. If we were, we wouldn’t have incarnated because we’d have nothing left to learn. We, too, get triggered by others. We, too, have our own generational trauma or past life trauma that affects our behavior. So while we can recognize others are triggered, it’s important for us to do that shadow work ourselves. Anytime feelings of jealousy, doubt, worry, anger, or fear come up, anytime we want to lash out or judge someone else, it’s so important for us to look inwards and ask ourselves: “Where is this really coming from?” “What is the root cause of why is this bothering me?” If it’s not something you can answer instantly, try going into a deep meditation and connect to your guides to see maybe parts of your past or past lives to answer. We each have a responsibility to do our own shadow work and heal ourselves so we don’t take our triggers out unfairly on others.

5. Gratitude is the key to everything.

Gratitude really is the magic ingredient that will supercharge your life. The Universe’s favorite energy is one of gratitude and pure love. So the more and more you feel grateful for everything you already have, the more the Universe will respond to your energy, and bring you additional things to be grateful for. Feel grateful for the little things, for the simple things, for the everyday things you may overlook and take for granted. And to manifest, feel grateful for what you want and deeply show the Universe you trust that the second you ask, it’s already figuring out a path to get it to you. And while you’re waiting for that divine timing, just feel grateful for it. Feel grateful for every second of life and watch as your life changes.

These principles have been so key in helping me live a more magical and trusting life and I know the same will be true for you! For personal help in making your big manifestations happen, you can book 1:1 Manifestation Sessions with me! In these monthly sessions, we will meet either on Zoom or at Spirit and Soul Studio, to help you personally figure out what’s holding you back, do that inner shadows work, and supercharge your manifestations to finally make them your reality!


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